Inspiration From Art (& Word Art)
Find Inspiration From Art (and word art)…and… Express Your Personal Style!
Inspiration is one of the most powerful emotions one could instill into others. And creating anatmosphere in your home of inspiration is a memorable loving gift a family home can give.
Besides your personal interaction, one of the other many ways you can create this hopeful lovingatmosphere is through your personal style, art & word art, and the inspiration it encourages.
Your First Step can be to simply springboard from what others have created that inspire you. And usetheir ideas to create something that is unique and personal to you. Express your personal style, andthe creation will become an original.
Many creative enthusiasts find that simply being able to see what others have created is helpful inbeing able to determine what could be possible for what they want to express as well. Art oftenstretches a part of us that knows no restrictions but pure potential & unlimited possibilities. Ourpersistence to continue to create is how art can fuel us & give us life. Provide us with greater meaning.Inspire us, ground us, make us smile….
You might not know why a piece of art inspires you, you just know that it does.
Artists involved in this creation process are often unclear as to how they are considered to be aninspiration to others. But consumers often find that their personal sense of what is appealing andinteresting can be discovered and then translated through their own tastes in a different way.
Understanding how inspiration is derived helps anyone through the creative process, and on the roadto personal creative expression.
Spread your creative wings, and express yourself!
People often find that other’s creations are also helpful in allowing them to stretch their boundarieswhen expressing their personal style. Many people are often uncertain of how to even initiate theircreative process when being inspired by what others have done. The ability to view pieces of work interms of your individual tastes is a technique you can utilize in your creative process…
What about the art is appealing to you?
Color, shape, subject matter, and the idea behind the creation of the artwork are all good guides here.Take a moment to think about these things with your favorite art pieces, and you may also get anadded glimpse into ways you can expand and express your personal style in the artworks you find orcreate for your home.
Learning how your art can inspire the people you care about and personalize your surrounding,doesn’t have to be difficult. Art in itself is inspiration. Many people find that they are actually not evenaware that their pieces of work have encouraged others in any particular way. Being aware of this nowmay help to continue to inspire others through your personal expression and style.
by Lexii Stewart
Décor, Design & Personal Style Ideas Editor
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