Fun For Friends & Family: Create a Photo Gallery Wall
Learn how to create a stellar family picture wall
We all love family pictures. But we do have to admit that no matter how much we enjoy these photos,getting out the albums, putting pictures in the albums and remembering exactly who is who and whenthe pictured event occurred has gotten out of control.
One way to regain mastery over the multitude of photographs is to create a family picture wall. Only afew decisions are needed to get you started. And more important as you survey the clutter of yourpresent collection, a photo wall finally finds a place for your family photos!
The First Step
The first decision is to decide which family members’ photos will go on the wall. You may want to addsome creative elements and other images, like a black and white photo of your front door, or yourfamily name in photographic alphabet art. Especially if some of your family lives at a distance, youmay want to include the members of your extended family on your wall. If distance or the passage oftime means that your children may not or cannot become acquainted with relatives, you may chooseto put several generations of your family on your wall.
This provides your family members with the opportunity to make their own decisions about whetherUncle Will looked just like a great grandfather or not. Another approach to building your wall is tofeature the most recent events in your and your children’s lives. You may be surprised how often yourchildren will refer to the wall and say, Remember when we went skiing?
Where to Put Your Family Picture Wall
The second decision is where to create your family picture wall. Some people have strong reactions,either positive or negative, to a large display of family pictures in their living room. Consider otherlocations throughout your house. A wall in the family room or den or along a staircase lets familymembers see the pictures regularly.
Look for a location that allows pictures to be hung low enough for children to see them clearly. Onemother in a very busy family had her husband build and install a large glass-covered multi-pictureframe with slots permitting rapid change or addition of photos. This was on a wall in her kitchen. Shereported that her children regularly joined her to reminisce about family events and celebrations whileshe prepared dinner. She is now waiting for the frame to begin filling with pictures of her children’schildren. Custom Frames
Building a custom frame is only one possible way to make your wall unique. Some families choose asingle style of frame in numerous sizes to give their wall a unified look. Others take pleasure in suitingthe frames specifically to their pictures, haunting rummage sales, thrift stores and yard-sales for old-fashioned and modern frames that best show off several generations of relatives in the styles of theirtimes.
In earlier days finding suitable frames for old pictures required an extensive and often expensive, time-consuming search. This was an endless frustration stemming from the right frame being the wrongsize. One can take a bit of comfort in knowing that relatives struggled with this problem even morethan we do now.
Photo Developing
There is even more comfort to be taken from the recent advances in photo developing that makechanging the sizes and preserving the quality of old photographs easy and affordable. Damaged oldphotographs still benefit most from the expert touch of a professional photograph-restorer. Even insmall communities camera stores, libraries or a locl historian can often guide you to professionalrestorers.
Copying or enlarging old photographs or recent snapshots in good condition can often be done at thecamera store or even the photo department of your drugstore. Digital cameras and color copiers addgreatly to your choices when preparing photographs for display.
There are more reasons than ever to stop talking about creating a family picture wall someday andmaking it happen now. Remember the yard stick and masking tape to mark good straight lines. Treatyourself to the good picture-hooks that will leave your wall with minimal damage. Then sit back andenjoy the faces, smiles, activities and events that make your family so special and your family picturewall a permanent pleasure.
by Janet Beal Info Guru,